Thursday, August 30, 2018

Summary of Intercessory Prayer Posts

5 Basic Principles for Effective Prayer for Intercession

1. Initiated by God
2. Intercede for God's people who have left the straight and narrow path
3. Intimate conversation with God
4. According to God's righteous way
5. God speaking in our speaking

How to Intercede in Prayer

  • From heart
  • Regularly
  • In detail
  • With faith
  • With love
  • Fervently
  • With desire to help where we can
  • Occasionally with fasting

Principles for Effective Intercession (steps to follow)

1. Praise God for who He is
2. Clean my heart with confession
3. Invite the Holy Spirit
4. Bin Satan
5. Die to self
6. Praise God for conversation we will have
7. Wait and listen
8. Utter what God gives
9. If possible confirm with Bible
10. Praise God

Aug 31/Sept 1 show schedule

This weekend, the gates should open at 6pm. Sat night is Family Night.  Kids 12 and under get in free. Coupon for free popcorn for kids. I expect low attendance this weekend because it is hot (near 100 degrees). 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Evangelism quotes from Charles Spurgeon

"If sinners be damned at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. Let them go with our arms around their knees. Let no one go there unwarned or unprayed for."

"God save us from living in comfort while sinners are sinking into hell!”

"Brethren, if God intends to give us souls he will prepare us for the honour by causing us to feel the deep ruin of our fellow-creatures, and the fearful doom which that ruin will involve unless they shall escape from it. We should hear praying of a mighty sort if believers sympathised with men in their ruin; then groans and tears would not be so scarce; then the soul pouring out itself in groanings which cannot be uttered would be but an ordinary thing."

"Brethren, do something; do something, do something! While societies and unions make constitutions, let us win souls. I pray you, be men of action all of you. Get to work and quit yourselves like men. Old Suvarov's idea of war is mine: `Forward and strike! No theory! Attack! Form a column! Charge bayonets! Plunge into the center of the enemy! Our one aim is to win souls; and this we are not to talk about, but do in the power of God!'"

"Reckon then that to acquire soul-winning power, you will have to go through mental torment and soul distress. You must go into the fire if you are going to pull others out of it, and you will have to dive into the floods if you are going to draw others out of the water. You cannot work a fire escape without feeling the scorch of the conflagration, nor man a lifeboat without being covered with the waves."

"It is of no use for any of you to try to be soul-winners if you are not bearing fruit in your own lives. How can you serve the Lord with your lips if you do not serve Him with your lives.? How can you preach His gospel with your tongues, when with hands, feet, and heart you are preaching the devil’s gospel, and setting up an antichrist by your practical unholiness?"

Intercession PDF files

Principles For Effective Intercession

Basic Intercessory Prayer Guide

How to intercede in prayer

Prayer is a vital part of our communication with our loving Father in heaven. In the Bible He tells us how we can pray most effectively—in a way that pleases Him. Here are a few biblical principles for effective intercessory prayer. We should pray:
  • From the heart. (See our article “Prayer From the Heart” for more about this.)
  • Regularly. In what is often called the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus told us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11; see “The Lord’s Prayer”). We should pray for our needs and the needs of others every day.
  • In detail. God knows everything; but He wants us to come to Him with all our specific requests because He likes to hear from us and to know what is important to us. The Bible compares our prayers to incense, and God loves prayers that are like “sweet incense beaten fine” (Leviticus 16:12).
  • With faith, knowing that God has all power and loves the people we are praying for. (For more about faith, see “What Is Faith?”)
  • With love. Godly love is totally unselfish and is the essence of God’s character (see “God Is Love”).
  • Fervently. James 5:16 tells us “the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
  • With a desire to help where we can. This might include physical help and encouragement. Cards, calls and visits might be helpful. It is not wrong to tell a person you are praying for him or her if it will help encourage the person.
  • Occasionally with fasting. When a situation is very serious or hits close to home for you, you may decide to fast and pray to draw close to God to present your supplication to Him. (Read more about fasting in our article “What Is Fasting?”)

5 Principles for Effective Prayers of Intercession

5 Principles for Effective Prayers of Intercession
I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men–1 Tim. 2:2.
Are you a believer in Christ seeking a more effective prayer life?  If so, then it’s  important for you to  learn God’s principles for prayer so that your  prayers of intercession may receive His response.
These divine principles for effective prayers of intercession are revealed in God’s Word, They’re awaiting our discovery and application.
So in this post, we’ll consider five of these divine principles from Genesis 18 to see how Abraham practiced  effective prayers of intercession so that we also can apply them in our prayer life.

Five basic principles for effective prayers of intercession

Five Basic Principles of Genuine Intercession Before God as Seen in Genesis 18

Intercession refers to an act of interceding, an interposing or pleading on behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble. In the Bible it refers to our prayer to God on behalf others.
In Genesis 18, we can see Abraham’s intercession to God on behalf of Lot, his nephew. This case reveals at least five basic principles for our effective prayers of intercession.

Effective prayers of intercession are:

1. Initiated by God’s revelation—Gen. 18:17-21

God was seeking an intercessor and He found one in Abraham. After receiving the meal prepared by Abraham, God made His heart known to him in Genesis 18:17-21 where God begins by saying, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?…
Part of the footnote on this verse in the Holy Bible Recovery Version says,
“…God revealed His heart’s desire. The proper intercession is not initiated by man but by God’s revelation. Thus it expresses God’s desire and paves the way for the accomplishing of His will.”
Today, we can receive God’s revelation by reading His Word and proper ministry books that open up the Word. In Ephesians 3:3-4, Paul said,
“That by revelation the mystery was made know to me, as I have written previously in brief, by which in reading it, you can perceive my understanding in the mystery of Christ.”

2. For God’s people—Gen. 18:23

Both God and Abraham were concerned for Lot—one of God’s people who drifted into the world.
Although God had determined to judge that corrupted world, His heart was concerned for Lot, particularly as it relates to Lot’s relationship with Christ. Ruth, who would become a great grandmother of Jesus was a Moabitess, a descendant of Lot and God was concerned for Lot in order to protect Christ’s genealogy through her.
True prayers of intercession focus on God’s interest in His people. They are related to God’s gaining people in order to bring  forth Christ in them  and through them (Gal. 4:19). God needs us to intercede for His people, including the backslidden ones like Lot so that Christ can be brought forth in them and through them.
May our prayers be turned from our private interests to care for God’s interest in people according to the desire of His heart.

3. An intimate conversation with God according to God’s heart—Gen. 18:22-33

“…Abraham remained standing before Jehovah” (v. 22). There God and Abraham had an intimate conversation as between two friends (Isa. 41:8).
It’s amazing to see how God opened His heart to Abraham and how Abraham conversed with God—even challenging God—on a human level, in such an intimate way.
To learn this lesson, we first need to learn to fellowship with the Lord. Then we need to learn to linger in His presence—to have an intimate conversation with Him.
This hymn: “Pray to fellowship Jesus, in the spirit seek His face” really develops this point. I encourage you to pray over the lyrics to learn to have such an intimate conversation with the Lord.

4. According to God’s righteous way—Gen. 18:23-32

Abraham learned another lesson regarding intercession, that is, how to appeal to God according to His righteousness (Gen. 18:23-32). Whether God expresses His love and grace toward a person may fluctuate according to His feeling. But God’s righteousness is absolute.
Righteousness is the foundation of God’s throne (Psa. 89:14).  So we need to learn how to challenge God according to His righteousness.
However, holding God to His righteousness is difficult to do without an adequate knowledge of God’s Word. For example, if God has given us His word of promise in the Scriptures, He would be unrighteous if He does not do according to His Word.
May we learn to intercede by praying, “Lord, You said in Your Word…now do as You have spoken and fulfill Your promise.”
You put your finger down upon the very lines, and say, “Do as thou hast said.” This is the best praying in all the world. O beloved, be filled with God’s Word. (p. 21)

5. God speaking in our speaking—Gen. 18:33

Finally, we can see that Abraham’s intercession ended not with Abraham, but with God. Genesis 18:33 says,
And Jehovah went away as soon as He had finished speaking with Abraham…”
This Word gives us two practical points to remember. First, genuine intercession is God’s speaking in our speaking. Second, our prayers of intercession should  end when God has finished His speaking.  So we need to learn to remain with the Lord until He has finished His speaking.
Often, we look at the time and say, “My prayer time is over.” But, has God really finished His speaking? We may actually walk away from Him leaving the Lord with  no channel through which to finish His  intercession.  May we learn to let the Lord speak in our speaking and let Him finish His speaking.

Concluding thoughts…

As earnest believers in Christ, the Lord will surely lay many people on our heart.  He may give us the burden to pray for our family, friends, relatives, colleagues, classmates and neighbors. They all need our prayer, whether it is for their salvation, growth in Christ, or restoration from a backslidden ore dormant condition.
But,  it is not only they who need God and His salvation. Even more, God needs them for the accomplishment of His purpose for Christ and the church, His Body.
To this end may we be one with God to pray prayers of intercession that are:
1) Initiated by His revelation,
2) For His people,
3) In an intimate conversation with Him,
4) According to His righteous way and
5) With Him speaking in our speaking.
In this way God, can carry out His desire and accomplish His will on this earth.
If you’ve been helped by this post to see the divine principles for prayers of intercession, please share your appreciation in a comment.
References and Further Resources:

Monday, August 27, 2018

Results of Aug 24-25 shows

  • Friday night was low attendance mostly free tickets for Sommerville County, we had plenty of volunteers but little or no Prayer Tent activity, and the first show was great!  
  • The Prayer Team prepared for the show by cutting prayer request cards and inserting them into each playbill. We need to do this every week. Dena and Gary's family worked on this.  Dena and Gary also worked to  scan and email prayer requests - we will do that early each Monday. For those that requires followup I will communicate with Glenda and Martha about them. 
  • All prayer requests came from Sat. night.  We have 48 written prayer requests. 
  • We baptized 6 people after the show. Five people were baptized by an Open Door pastor and 1 by Director Chuck. I gave them all Promise baptism certificates. 
  • Open Doors Church and pastor Troy Brewer from Burleson was our partner church for the show.  Open Doors is actually sponsoring our entire season, so we will see a lot of them.  They brought 800 of their members and baptized about 172 of them before the show.  They offered many to help in Prayer Tent and communion.  Their main pastor Troy Brewer volunteered in the Prayer Tent at Intermission. They were great and made the evening very exiting!
  • About 6 volunteers from a Hispanic church in Granbury was there on Sat, and they said they will come every show.  They are bilingual.  Wow what a blessing!
  • I prepared every volunteer group by giving them a brief verbal description of what we do and a quick tour of the resources. 
Lesson learned?
  • 3 visitors asked me if we have someone that can pray prophetically.  Perhaps a challenge for a bunch of Baptists!  I gave them to Open Doors people.  This morning I posted a subset of an article on our blog about praying prophetically.  What would you say if someone asked you that?  click here for article
  • One technique to connecting to people is to hang out outside of Prayer Tent, and start talking with all people who lingered or passed by slowly. Offer to take a prayer request so cast and crew can pray for them. For many requests they did not come into tent; I heard request verbally then wrote it down on a prayer request sheet.  I kept prayer sheets and pen on the small table at front of tent. 
  • We received a lot of Prayer Tent volunteers from past.  I will have more cheaper stick-on name tags for part time volunteers.   Full time volunteers can use the pin-on name tags and keep them in the tent so we can reuse each week. 
  • I will have a signup sheet for these part time volunteers to optionally add them to email list for prayer requests, etc.
  • In the prayer request list I emailed today I am urging cast and crew to email prayer requests to us.   I will likely give that prayer email address to Promise worker such as concession stands, gift shop and other staff.  Prayer email address:  You also can send email here for anything you want cast and crew to pray for. 
  • We need to be ready to baptize after every show!
  • Let's all help Glenda when needed with distributing communion elements. 
  • Please send me any of your ideas for improvement.

How You Can Pray With Prophetic Power

Anyone given to the ministry of intercession knows that there are special moments in prayer that are met with a certainty of God's immediate intervention. These are breakthrough prayers—dynamic, forceful and perfectly in sync with the purposes of God.

Knowing how and when to apply a specific prayer strategy can make a difference in a situation's outcome. But why are some prayers seemingly more in tune with the will and timing of God than others?

The Right Prayer at the Right Time

At a ministry conference a woman approached me who was obviously in pain. "Please pray for my daughter," she cried. "We taught her the Word of God. Jane knows the right thing to do, and yet she has walked away from it. She is now living with her boyfriend, and we haven't heard from her in months."

Jane's mother had prayed constantly during this ordeal. Now the request for additional prayer was desperate.

"Heavenly Father," I began. "You are a father and understand the agony of this mother's heart. I ask you in the Name of Jesus to bring healing and restoration to this family. Remind this daughter of Your Word. Help her to remember Your goodness."

Immediately, I sensed the Spirit of the Lord rise up inside me, along with my faith. Knowing the authority Jesus has given us, I spoke into the atmosphere as if Jane were standing in front of me.

"Jane," I called. "Open your eyes and look. You are in a pigpen. Get up and get out of the pigpen. Come back to your father's house. Come home in Jesus' Name!"

A month later I was speaking at a conference held at a Bible school. On the way into the auditorium one morning, Jane's mother saw me and came running.

"Barbara," she called out. "You prayed for my daughter, and I have to tell you what happened. When I came home from the conference last month, I found I had received a phone call from her. The time of the call was exactly when you and I were praying.

"Jane left a message that she was coming home. She said, 'I don't know what happened to me! It was if my eyes were opened, and I could see. And I thought, This is a pigpen. I'm going home.'"

That night after the conference session, she saw me again and came over. "My daughter is here," she said, as her daughter walked up and joined her, "and she wants to talk to you."

"Thank you, thank you, Barbara, for praying," Jane said, as tears flowed down her cheeks. "Suddenly my eyes opened, and I could see the truth." Jane acknowledged her blindness in the situation.

I wondered what happened to bring about such a change. What was different about this prayer from previous times of prayer?

Through the study of God's Word, I found that He has given us the authority to speak for Him. We are His voice in the earth.

I also discovered that God has orchestrated a strategic time for prayers to break through. And by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will prompt us to pray the right kind of prayer at that moment. Powerful things will happen as we participate with the Lord at these specific times.

Strategic Declarations

God established the church on the Earth to finish the work of putting Satan under His feet. Paul speaks in Ephesians of the work and power made available to the church. He says he was called to "bring to light...the mystery" hidden for ages in God "in order that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places" and declares that God "is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us" (Eph. 3:9-10,20, NASB).

When intercessors are given the right word to speak at the proper time, there will be great victory and spiritual breakthroughs. There will be deliverance for God's people, for cities and for nations. God will provide strength to intercessors so that they can do the will of the Lord.

Jesus will make known to you the intentions of His Father. Let Him strengthen you so that the prophetic proclamation of His Word can go forth from your mouth without compromise and establish His will on the Earth. 

Charisma Magazine — Empowering believers for life in the Spirit
© Copyright 2018 Charisma Media, All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Prayer Team Volunteer Training 2018

The first version of the Prayer Team Volunteer Training is complete (date is 8/18/2018).  You can open the 4 page PDF document by clicking the link below. You may also download it if you wish.  This document is subject to change as often as weekly, and a goal is to have it describe all we do. 

Click this link to open PDF file

An exert of the document is below. It lists the Prayer Team leaders, basic information on them, the areas they lead in, and how leaders use the volunteer training document. 

Prayer Team Leaders (and their primary roles):

All Prayer Team members will do all tasks, but we also have leaders specializing in
assigned areas. The leaders, for their assigned areas: enforce and teach this volunteer
training document, change information in this document, have a lot of ideas for improvement, and make decisions for things this document does not address (which later may be added to this document). Any suggested changes to this document should be communicated to Gary. A leader can work on all and any tasks, does not necessarily have to do their assigned areas every time, and they do not need to be present at every show, but they need to lead their assigned areas.

Gary Moreau (Prayer Team leader, baptism, tracts and resources) cell: 214-738-4485

Glenda Graham (church partnerships, communion, design of prayer tent) cell: 254-897-

Rudy Watson (baptism, counseling, prayer before and during service) cell: 254-396-0452

Dena Whitehurst (prayer requests, administration) (only at Sat shows) cell: 817-228-

Fly and Esta Young (advice on event prayer ministry, remote prayer support group)
(normally not at shows) cell: Fly 817-319-1105, Esta 817-781-1743

Martha Harris (greeting visitors, praying with people, evangelism, advise on prior
year Promise Prayer Teams) (cannot attend every show, and husband can help also) cell:

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Aug 24/25 Opening Weekend Schedule

Somervell County Weekend/OpenDoor Night:

Residents get in FREE. Saturday 25th-50% off for residents of selected surrounding counties. Gates open at 5 PM. Sermon by Pastor Troy Brewer at 6:00 PM, Baptisms at 6:30 PM, free hamburgers and drinks 6:30-7:30 PM, Praise and Worship Preshow at 7:15 PM

Click here for all show events

Prayer Team Volunteer Introduction

We welcome you as fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ and partners in this exiting event prayer and evangelism ministry. When you arrive, come by the prayer tent and get a Prayer Team name tag, and if you are new we can introduce ourselves and do a quick tour.

We can use you primarily in greeting visitors before the show and helping us at intermission which is our two busiest times. Also please be in prayer before and during the show and at all times. At all times but especially at intermission, invite people to the Prayer Tent, encourage them to fill out a prayer request or write it for them, offer to pray with them, encourage them to take a tract, and offer them other free resources. We have both English and Spanish materials. We are not counselors, but we listen to people and then speak and pray scripture. After the show, we greet people and service them in the Prayer Tent, optionally baptize people, and have group prayer with our volunteer team.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Case Study – Prayer Tent 2009

1) WRITTEN PRAYER REQUESTS – We prayed with and counseled most visitors who filled out a hand-written prayer request.  We encouraged people to fill out a request, and the motivation was that we emailed request to all Promise cast and staff weekly so they can pray. On request forms, names were optional, and followup contact info was optional.  

We also started getting prayer requests from the concession stand workers and the Gift Shop workers. That proved to be a real blessing to them and to us since we saw them every week and got to know them and we could follow up on requests!

2) TRACTS - We designed and printed custom Promise-themed tracts in both English and Spanish, and in both large print and small print. We gave out about 1000 tracts this season.  We tried to make sure every visitor to the Prayer Tent received a tract.  We also gave lots of other free resources and NT Bibles.

The Gift Shop started giving out tracts in bags with each purchase. They were a wonderful partner of ours this season!

3) FOLLOW UP - We followed-up with all requests that wanted followup, including those people baptized.

4) BAPTISMS - We baptized 7 people in the Promise “river” in front of the stage. Robert and I did this.  The Promise office mentioned to groups that we could baptize people after show – it made more sense for groups because they could be the witnesses to the baptism.   We pre-qualified every person before baptizing them, and had them state their beliefs publicly as part of the baptism. The people were very grateful! Kristen is designing a unique baptism certificate that we will mail to the people. We welcome more baptisms next year – lots more! FYI – we do not mind the cold water.

5) PRAISE POSTERS – Very popular especially with young people!  We used big poster boards and markers outside of tent.  We wrote a statement or question at the top of each poster such as, “Praise Jesus with your words!”, and “Respond with your words to what God is speaking to you!”, and “Use your words to tell God what you think about His story.”

Possible improvements for 2010:

1) Give baptism certificate immediately at baptism. hand-write names and dates.  Volunteer with best penmanship can do writing.  
2) Followup to prayer requests and baptisms for people requesting it within 1 week.

3) For evangelism, try to determine where person lives and we follow up in 1 week, plus try to contact a church local to them to follow up (primarily those from Glenrose area – partner churches).