Monday, September 17, 2018

Results of Sept 14/15 shows

Friday Sept 14 was Hispanic night, and we had a big crowd and a great preshow.  But unfortunately the show was cancelled at the end of intermission due to lots of rain.  We had perhaps 40-50 people in the prayer tent escaping the rain and we had lots of conversations, prayer and prayer requests.  

Saturday night was good in that we had no real chance of rain, and we did the entire show.  The attendance was small but we still had a few great visitors to the tent that wanted prayer.  

Lessons learned and notes from this weekend:
- Thanks to our regular Sat volunteers from the Hispanic church in Granbury!  They are real purposeful: they put a prayer card and Spanish tract in Spanish Book of Johns and give some to each of their volunteers. They go to each of the 2 areas: in front of Jewish Market and in front of the Gift Shop.  They engage people in conversation and offer to receive prayer request and witness with the evangelistic materials (the first few pages of the Book of Johns are evangelistic). They are bilingual so they can communicate with both English and Spanish speakers.  They have gotten us numerous Spanish prayer requests. 
- One of us needs to stay close enough to the prayer tent entrance during shows so we can watch people entering (I plan to do this).  We have had a few people requesting prayer during shows.  
- I try to engage anyone outside around the prayer tent in conversation.  I have a clip board with prayer request cards on it.
- We need to do the following to prep playbills: Put "Granbury" label on back, and stuff with prayer request card and  donation envelope. I assume it will take about 35 mins per case of 150 playbills per person to prep.  
-  I hauled the extra cases of tracts to my home, so let me know if we are running low of something so I can bring it on the next Friday. 
-  We have fewer volunteers on Fridays so try to come if you are able. 

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