Monday, October 1, 2018

Sept 28/29 show results - no rain!!!!

No rain!! That's different.  

Great shows and lots of prayer tent activity.  Triple Cross Cowboy Church helped us Sat night and did great job at Country music preshow including using a bull whip as an instrument on their last song, helping with communion and greeting visitors.  Some people came out on horses before joining the band, and 2 people on horses held the US and Texas flags for the national anthem. I grew up in rural "near West" Texas in Jacksboro and went to lots of rodeos, and I really identify with and appreciate rural cowboy culture Texans.  Thanks to all for contributing!  Next time I will wear boots and cowboy hat and maybe a belt with a REEEEEEALY big buckle (FYI - I did not win it in a rodeo riding a bull, I bought it, I was a geek in high school).  

Thanks to the 100+ members of Trinity Marthoma Church in Houston for visting the Primise.   Most were from southern India, they had never seen the Promise, and they sat on the front rows and probably got wet from the fake rain. They showed so much appreciation and exitement.  They drove all the way from Houston and back in 1 day on busses, just to see the Promise. Their church denomination originates from Syria and was founded by St. Thomas.  Their primary prayer request is the following:  "Pray for the people in the state of Kerala in south India. Many from our church are from there. 500-600 people have died due to severe flooding which is 100 times worse than Hurricane Harvey flooding in Houston".

Pray for Answer International Ministry which is promoting their child trafficing ministry each show.  Their primary reoccuring prayer request is similar to the following: "Pray that we can get the message of our ministry out to more people, and that it can become more effective".  Maybe give one of their brochures to your pastor.

We gave thanks to Rudy and wife Vicki who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  I told Rudy that since I went to his celebration he needs to come to mine in 18 years when we celebrate our 50th anniversary.  

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